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Virginia Axline Play Therapy Center


I studied at Ohio State University in Columbus. While there I worked under Dr. Carl Rogers while he began to develop his “non-directive therapy” (Good Therapy, 2015a; Plunkett Lake Press, 2019). I continued working with Dr. Rogers as he started the University of Chicago Counseling Center (Plunkett Lake Press, 2019). While there, I began developing my own theory. Inspired by my work with Dr. Rogers, I developed my own notion I called, Non-directive Play Therapy (Good Therapy, 2015b).


I continued my education at Columbia University’s Teachers College (Plunkett Lake Press, 2019). During my doctorate studies, I finished my first book. Since then my theory has gone on to be greatly accepted by peers and colleagues earned my doctorate in education in 1950. Thereafter, I formalized my practice as, Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT; Plunkett Lake Press, 2019). I continued the growth of my private practice while teaching at Columbia University. In 1964, I published my second book, a full detailed case study, with one of my clients, Dibs. Dibs' progress speaks to the work CCPT counselors can achieve with proper education, practice, and commitment.


I moved back to Ohio where I set up our current private practice, teaching at the Ohio State University, and spreading information about CCPT.











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Dr. Axline continued teaching and counseling in private practice but true to her wishes of staying out of the spotlight, the details of her life after this point are scarce. All that is known is that she passed away in 1988 and was buried with her older sister and parents, leaving an impactful mark on the field of child psychology in a quiet manner (Plunkett Lake Press, 2019).




Good Therapy. (2015a, July). Carl Rogers (1902-1987). In GoodTherapy.
Good Therapy. (2015b, July). Virginia Axline (1911-1988). In GoodTherapy.

Plunkett Lake Press. (2019). Virginia Axline. In Plunkett Lake Press: Books of Life Writing.

About Virginia Mae Axline

Disclaimer: This mock website has been designed for a doctoral research presentation. However, all advocacy information is accurate and available at the linked sources.

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